Category: business strategy

Make a business case – it TRUMPS name-calling

As I observe the insanity we currently called the Republican Presidential Debates I am amazed at how the candidates seem to miss the boat on what most business professionals know is necessary to not only be heard but to have their idea green-lighted for approval and action – make a well-thought out business case for your idea.

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One thing all leaders can do to drive culture

Talk about it.

organizational culture, analysis and development concept

Leaders want to integrate core values, mission-critical goals and culture into the DNA of their companies. Internal marketing and communication teams align to that goal by promoting culture through internal campaigns. Human resource groups survey employees to see if it is happening.

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Six Change Management Tips from Vietnam

Whether in business, sports or art, we know that conviction and confidence are key to success. There are few opportunities for those who are unsure or unclear about the direction they would like to take their work. This important perspective was illuminated to me again as I traveled recently through Vietnam – a magnificent country of resilient and generous people. There is, however, one problem – the traffic.

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Tips to Help Make Your Idea Go Viral

Videos, articles, ideas, can all spread faster and wider than ever, and it’s something that businesses can leverage to their advantage, if they’re savvy and a little (or a lot) lucky. You can’t force something to go viral, but here are some things you can do to help out its chances.

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Six Lessons from The Wrecking Crew: How to make yourself indispensable

The backbeat of the vast majority of the hits you hear from the 1960s-70s were played by a group of about 20 musicians who you’ve probably never heard of. They became known as The Wrecking Crew. A new documentary entitled “The Wrecking Crew” is out this year, and it features interviews with key members of this group of elite musicians. As I listened to them share their stories and phenomenal success, I realized that any business professional today could learn a lot from the ways they truly cornered their market.

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What does a business consultant do?

While mingling at a networking event, one of the most common questions asked is, “What do you do?” Wouldn’t it be fun to be able to respond with, “I’m a Cirque de Soleil performer.” “I’m a mountaineer and have climbed Everest four times!” However if you respond with “I’m a business consultant” you may get a friendly nod at best and at worse a yawn. It is an overused descriptor but is a role that is crucial to the success of many organizations.

Business consultants are organizational thinking partners. The need comes about when people find their organization needs a jumpstart, a fresh perspective or an update of their current business practices to be more successful. The business may just be starting out and need some guidance as to how to be most successful, or they may be reorganizing and restructuring, or perhaps hovering dangerously close to business failure and financial ruin.

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March Madness: A model for business management consultants

College basketball’s March Madness will soon be upon us and basketball fans everywhere look forward to watching the best teams face off as they complete their brackets. Tuning into these super competitive games can be exhilarating.

In business management consultancy, I recommend that my clients keep an eye on March Madness. What makes watching NCAA basketball so exciting – and instructive to management teams – is the level of competitiveness and the “all in” effort these student athletes exude. The love of the game and the fire in the belly are brilliantly on display.

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