Working with the Waves that come your Way…

Earlier this month on vacation, I found myself in Huntington Beach, CA. (better known in some circles as “Surf City”). My visit just happened to coincide with the finals of the U.S. Open Surfing championships. Curious too see what this kind of sporting event would be like, my brother, who I was visiting, took me out onto the Huntington Beach Pier in time to watch the men’s final event. It had come down to the two top surfers – hometown native, Brett Simpson and South African, Jordy Smith – the number one ranked surfer in the world.

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Go Undercover for the Customer

Many of you have seen the popular new CBS series titled, Undercover Boss. Each episode follows a senior executive of a major corporation who is working incognito as a new entry-level hire for one week. Through the experience they discover how the company really works. The show is well done and sends out an important message to leaders: You need to experience your company through the lens of the employee to truly understand what is working and what’s not.

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