Category: Presentation Skills

Jumping The Gun – 5 Ways to Avoid a Communication False Start

There is always the intense excitement when you see runners in the starting blocks waiting for the gun to go off to signal the race is on.  There is also the heartbreak of a runner who ‘jumps the gun’ which is also called a false start. There is absolutely an equivalent of the false start in communication and five ways to avoid it.

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Personalize your Presentation with a One Sentence Story

When you hear a speaker share a brief snippet from their life, you instantly feel more engaged and connected to them.  “That’s just like me!”  “I have kids too!”  It may be a simple reference to where they grew up, a sport they played, or how many children they have.  When you share a bit of your human experience with an audience, you instantly become more relatable, and in turn, the point you are trying to make is better retained. Can this be accomplished in just one sentence? YES!

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