Customers: Wired and Dangerous

How many of your customers have over 5000 followers on Linked-in, Facebook or Tweeter? So, instead of telling five people about their service hiccup with you, they can now instantly tell a thousand times that number! It would not take many unhappy customers to cut a sizeable dent in your bottom line and brand reputation. With customer expectations up 33% over this time last year, you are very vulnerable to a today’s wired and potentially dangerous customers.

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Seeking Advice: Networking Protocol that Builds Bridges

It has happened to all of us. We are introduced to a professional colleague who piques our interest. Maybe they are pursuing a line of business that intrigues us…maybe they have a body of expertise we want to know more about…perhaps we simply want to know how they got to where they are. Knowing how to approach that individual in a respectful and focused way is key to building a relationship.

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Following up on Customer Feedback

I wonder what has happened to all the customer feedback surveys I have filled out in my time on the planet?

I believe in providing feedback to companies and services I do business with. So, as a customer, when I’ve been asked for feedback – whether over the phone, online or through a mailed survey – I do my best to take the time to respond. I am one of those people who will also write a letter if deserved. It has been my way of giving back – as in, feedback is a gift. I believe in the value and importance of a great customer experience – and I recognize that it is a two-way street. To get it, you have to give.

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Hoop Dreams – Revisiting the essence of teamwork, one basket at at time

I hadn’t spoken to Loretta in what felt like ten years. I hadn’t played basketball with her…well let’s just say, in a very, very long time. So, when she called out of the blue and asked me to join a new women’s basketball league at a local park district in Chicago, I responded with a stammering “ok” that likely communicated equal amounts of excitement and terror.

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