What is Vision Engagement?
Successful organizations know that engaged employees drive results, improve the customer experience and create a great place to work. Engaged employees talk favorably about their company, stay loyal to it and put their hearts and minds into working together to achieve company goals and objectives.
While this is an ideal state for any organization it can be hard to achieve when your company is:
- Merging with another
- Launching a new brand identity
- Embarking upon significant change
- Recovering from a crisis
- Preparing to enter a new market
During times of change and flux, one of your biggest goals must be to inspire and engage your employees to become true believers in and supporters of the organization’s new direction, and vision while becoming active participants in the change.
You must calibrate all employees and members of the organization to the same frequency, get them all on the same page about what is going on in the company and why it is happening, working with them to make the changes really mean something. This is what is known as Vision Engagement.
If your company is growing rapidly,undergoing change, facing a crisis, or wants to enter new markets, it is crucial that your employees become your best ambassadors, not your worst enemies through the process.
Through our time-tested Vision Engagement model, we help leaders drive the kind or organizational culture where transformation can occur. Change and transformation happen naturally when you have a clear picture of who you are as a company and where you want to go. Better business results are propelled by engaging employees who understand the new direction and buy in. Communicating pivotal messages in powerful, inspirational and engaging ways facilitates and supports the change process.
Why is it Important?
Change can be difficult and rife with challenges; it’s a fact in life, and it’s a fact in business. If the transition into change isn’t done well, you can be left with employees who feel disconnected and disinterested at best, and disgruntled and resistant at worst. Unhappy or disconnected employees quickly affects the day to day productivity in their work, and ultimately the interaction with your clients.
To execute on your strategy and change imperatives employees must be engaged. Great communication that is cascaded through the entire organization is key to success. If the key messages aren’t successfully cascaded through the ranks all the way from the top to the bottom, a number of unfavorable things occur.
As the CEO, you may notice that you share the big picture messages with your leadership team, but it seems to gets stuck there. Managers and supervisors are only vaguely aware of the context and the “why” behind the change, and it’s further diluted to the employees further down the ranks. These employees are then left with instructions that either don’t make sense to them, or have no real meaning to them, so they don’t seem to genuinely and personally care about them.
When this happens, campaigns become the “flavor of the month” and credibility is lost, senior leaders are perceived as living in the “golden tower”, removed from what is really happening, and employees are not engaged and invested in the company’s success. The corporate culture suffers, job satisfaction among the employees decreases, and you may notice inter-office politics and drama increases.
Your team leaders then get stuck dealing with distractions instead of progress – and success, momentum, and potential for what could really have been achieved, is lost.
What Vision Engagement Does
There is a way to sidestep this entire spiraling process though, and that is what Vision Engagement process is all about – giving you the strategies and skill sets to successfully guide your company away from the pitfalls that befall so many other organizations. Instead, your company can be one of the success stories – with a strong and clear vision, and happy, engaged employees at every level.
A well-crafted Vision Engagement strategy enables you to make a personal connection with every single employee in your organization, and creates a direct line of sight between what they do every day and your organizational vision, values and goals.
Having a good Vision Engagement strategy also ensures that communication reaches 100% of your team members, building a culture where everyone is on the same page. Employees can then channel that energy and momentum into reaching performance goals, delivering a superior customer experience, and building your brand.
How We Can Help: Vision Engagement
Our model and process will help you:
- Increase employee engagement substantially
- Move team members from Toxic Messengers to Business Champions
- Create a direct line of sight between every employee’s role and the organization’s goals
- Train and coach leaders to drive messaging that engages employees, delivers a superior customer experience, reaches performance goals and builds the brand
Contact us today to schedule a 20 minute conversation to find out more about how we can assist you in fully engaging your employees in your vision.